Sunday, November 9, 2008

oh man..things that people said that make me laugh

--look hes got a horn on his head-- he has a whore?...

--who is that--linken park--yu gotta fart?...

--somebody stop me

--i can suck n blow..oh wait thats the same thing

--get outta here im playin guitar hero and yur sars are gettin everywhere!

--can yu see me feece..i mean face

--im ugly and i want to get yu a danish

--**cough cough** the gremlins are comin

--yu no what really grinds my gears

--(fffffttt) did yu just fart..yeh let me wind up another one for yeh (moves leg in circular motion)

--shhh i just got yu drunk..dont tell on me..(she was talkin to a dog people)

--are yu datin him..are yu guna beat him yeah


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