Wednesday, November 12, 2008

another survey

1.real name – Keshia
2. like it – Meh
4. zodiac sign - Cancer
5. male or female - Female
7. middle school - Hill crest
8. high – Slatfleet churchill n glendale
9. college – --
10. hair color - brown
11. eye color - hazel
12. hair length - meduim
13. current worry - nothing
14. Favorite color - blue
15. are you a health freak – lmao nope
16. height – 5'3-5'4
17. do you have a crush on someone – lol nah...
18. do you like yourself – yup
19. piercings – 2
20. tattoos - 1
21. righty or lefty - righty


22. first surgery - baby
23. First pericing - baby
24. first best friend – ashlee
25. first award – dont think i got one
26. first sport - soccer
27. first pet - dog
28. First trip- idk
29. first teacher -idk
30. first crush – idk

[this or that]

31. orange or apple juice - apple juice♥
32. rock or rap – both
33. country or screamo - country
34. nsync or backsteet boys - neither
35. britney spears or christina aguliera - neither
36. night or day -night
37. sun or moon - sun
38. tv or internet - internet
39. playstation or xbox – playstation
40. kiss or hug - both
41. iguana or turtle - turtle
42. spider or bee - neither
43. fall or spring- both
44. Limewire or iTunes - i tunes
46. soccer or baseball - soccer

[current stuff]

50. drinking - nothing
51. im about to – eat chicken fingers
53. singing – my dick
54. typing - this gay note

[future stuff]

55. want kids - yes
56. when – 25
57. want to get married – yup
58. when - like 23
59. where do you want to live – marmora
60. how many kids do you want – 4
61. any name on the mind - damien n thats it lol oh n emily
62. what do you think you'll be doing now - eating
64. mellow future or wild - wild then mellow
66. a trip you would go on – paris
67. when do you wanna die -never

[opposite sex]

68. lips or eyes - lips
69. hugging or kissing - hugging well kissing
70. shorter or taller - taller
71. tan skinned or light - either but tans hott
72. romantic or spontaneous - both
73. dark or light hair – dont matter
74. muscular or normal – either or
75. hook-up or relationship - relationship
76. similar to you or different - different

[have you ever]

78. kissed a stranger - nope
79. drank bubbles - yup
80. broken a bone - yup
81. climbed up a tree - yup
82. broken someones heart - maybe
83. turned someone down - yup
84. had your heart broken -yup
85. liked a friend as more than a friend -yup

[do you believe in..]

86. yourself - sometimes
87. miracles - nope
88. love at first sight - nope
89. santa clause – hell yeh
90. kiss on first date - nope
91. angels - nope


92. is there one or more people you want to see right now – yup
93. who is it – secret
94. like someone - maybe

[last thing]

96. call made - matt
97. facebook message - aunt
98. missed call - kirstie
99. last hungout with? matt..dan..ben..kirstie..katrina..n brushy

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